Come hold your family reunion, company party or special event on our festival grounds. For more information about renting the festival grounds, please contact the club office at 804-642-9021.
Virginia’s Li’l Ole Opry on the Festival Grounds

Rental Information/Application
- Cover Letter for Lessee–Festival Grounds (Form 14, Sept. 2016 and 1/4/18)
- Festival Area and Grounds Rental Policy Form 14a Nov 2018
- Form-14-b(Festival Area/Grounds Lease Agreement, March 2021)
- Festival Area and Grounds fee Schedule Form 14c Nov 2018
- Form 14d (1) (Event Schedule for Festival Area/Grounds, January 2020)
- Seafood Festival Area/Grounds Diagram (Form 14e1, January 2018)
- Lessee Festival Area/Grounds Diagram (Form 14e2, January 2018)
- Lessee Questionnaire after event (Form 15, March 2016)
Festival Grounds Availability
(Days marked in Red have already been reserved)
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